Understanding the economic impact of cultural heritage

Giovedì 28 marzo 2019 presso il “Department of Town PlanningHousing of the Cyprus Ministry of the Interior”, in Kinira street 1102 a Nicosia, Cipro, si terrà l’evento “Understanding the economic impact of cultural heritage”. ...

In presenza



Department of Town Planning and Housing of the Cyprus Ministry of the Interior, Kinira street 1102 Nicosia Cyprus

immagine evento

Giovedì 28 marzo 2019 presso il “Department of Town PlanningHousing of the Cyprus Ministry of the Interior”, in Kinira street 1102 a Nicosia, Cipro, si terrà l’evento “Understanding the economic impact of cultural heritage”

Per l’IRPET parteciperà la ricercatrice Sabrina Iommi

Maggiori informazioni qui https://www.espon.eu/cyprus

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