Investments and Public Works in Tuscany. Observatory on Public Works 2000-2004

Investments in public works, aimed at boosting collective wellbeing and increasing the competitiveness of the system, inject large quantities of collective resources into the economic system. This is, therefore, an area of administrative action of particular...

Andrea Bertocchini, Claudia Ferretti, Barbara Lasagni, Patrizia Lattarulo

Investments in public works, aimed at boosting collective wellbeing and increasing the competitiveness of the system, inject large quantities of collective resources into the economic system. This is, therefore, an area of administrative action of particular interest from several aspects in terms of: the entity of the resources in play, the involvement of private operators through collective resources, and the strategically important aims of adaptation and enrichment of the public capital.
This leads to the need for regulation, through instruments of both an economic and legal nature – the latter subject of an ongoing political attention – designed to ensure the correct functioning of this specific market.
The application of competition mechanisms for the market calls for accurate monitoring of the sector, aimed primarily at controlling the regularity of the processes and the validation of the data. The decentralisation of competencies in the sphere of observation and control, which for some years now has attributed information collection functions to the Regions, moreover represents an opportunity at the level of analysis.
In this study, through the archive of Public Works made available by the Contracts Observatory of the Tuscan Regional Authority, we propose to analyse the quantity and the territorial distribution of public works in Tuscany, as well as the award and contract development procedures. In effect, the efficiency of the processes – in the amounts, times and the competitive openness of the award systems – represents an incentive for the correct execution of the work, and subsequently for the development of spillover productive activities. The impact of these resources on the regional economy also depends on the features of our productive system, to which aspect part of this study is devoted.