Articolo di Paolo Brunori, Marisa Luisa Maitino, Letizia Ravagli, Nicola Sciclone pubblicato su "Economia Pubblica" 2/2021
Paolo Brunori, Marisa Luisa Maitino, Letizia Ravagli, Nicola Sciclone
Articolo pubblicato da FrancoAngeli in “ECONOMIA PUBBLICA” 2/2021, pp. 39-54, DOI:10.3280/EP2021-002002
We simulate the short-term effect of two months of lockdown on the Italian income distribution. With a static microsimulation model we show how poverty and inequality were effected by restrictions imposed during Coronavirus outbreak in March and April. We estimate a not negligible increase both in poverty and inequality, effects to a large extent mitigated by stimulus measures implemented by the government. However, we show that adopting alternative social protection approaches would have guaranteed a more universal coverage in particular for households more vulnerable to economic shocks.
Keywords: lockdown, inequality, poverty, social protection
Jel Code: D63, H53
⇒ Leggi anche il Working Paper 1/2021 | ottobre: Distanti e diseguali. Il lockdown e le diseguaglianze in Italia