Notes and contributions

N. 1 – The abolition of Provinces and the reallocation of expenditure: the case of Lombardy By Francesca Nordi and Leonzio Rizzo 2016, May

N. 7 – The impact of the manoeuvre on municipalities By Claudia Ferretti e Patrizia Lattarulo 2015, December

N. 6 – The role and nature of local real-estate taxation: elements for a comparative analysis by Ernesto Longobardi e Francesco Porcelli 2015, October

N. 5 – Report on local finance in Tuscany by Paolo Peluffo e Susanna Fornaciari 2015, May

N. 4 – Public expenditure by COFOG functions in the EU countries by Angelo Grasso e Roberta Garganese 2015, May

N. 3 – Public finance and local investments during the crisis by Giuseppe Gori e Patrizia Lattarulo 2015, April

N. 2 – The new accounting system as an opportunity for the European stability pact by Leonzio Rizzo 2015, April

N. 1 – The impact of the EU-compatible accounting system on the desirable evolution of the stability pact di Massimiliano Ferraresi e Leonzio Rizzo 2015, February