Editorial and conference office

The service takes care of the editing of papers and reports for dissemination, and looks after the organization of conferences and meetings. The office is in charge of disseminating information, using the appropriate tools and both paper and computer supports. It guarantees the formal consistency of the materials issued and their usability standards.

Supervising officer
Dott.ssa Patrizia Lattarulo

Contact persons:
Grazia Cadeddu: Conferences/events and website – tel. +39 055 4591275 email: grazia.cadeddu@irpet.it
Elena Zangheri: Editorial service – tel. +39 055 4591261 email: elena.zangheri@irpet.it
Chiara Coccheri: Editorial service – tel. +39 055 4591260 email: chiara.coccheri@irpet.it