Tourist flows in Tuscany in the first eight months of 2023

Nota congiunturale 22/2023 by E. Conti

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The trend in tourist flows from January to August, based on Irpet estimates, corroborates the considerations and expectations on the regional tourism situation formulated in the previous note on the first five months of 2023 and in the annual report.

The first 8 months do not mark the definitive crossing of the psychological threshold of the amount of tourist presences in Tuscany compared to 2019, before the advent of the pandemic (-2%). The trend growth in presences over 2022, which was still very accentuated in the first 5 months of 2023 (+23.1%), is slowing down during the summer so as to determine a limited increase, in the order of +5.3%, over the 8 months of 2022 as a whole. Growth is driven by the international component (+14.7%), where, however, it is only the non-European segment that is growing substantially (+50%), which still has the most ground to make up compared to pre-Covid levels (-10.5% on 2019). The European component grows much less (+2.7%), but its importance is crucial for the Tuscan tourist economy, since it represents the only market showing substantial growth compared to the pre-Covid period (+8.2% on 2019).

Concerns about the weakness of the national and domestic markets are confirmed. The presences of Tuscans in Tuscany decreased compared to the first 8 months of 2022 by about -4.2%, and those from the rest of Italy by -3.7%. The domestic markets therefore still have a substantial share of presences to recover compared to the levels recorded before the pandemic (-7.7% on 2019).