The NEET phenomenon in Tuscany

Position Paper 33/2024 by S. Duranti

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Position Paper 33/2024 | March

By Silvia Duranti

The phenomenon of young people who do not study and do not work, which has long been known by the acronym NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), began to arouse concern during the period of the economic crisis and has never ceased to be at the centre of public debate because it represents a waste of human capital, with consequences on both the social and economic levels. This appears even more alarming in a context in which the medium-long term demographic perspective is characterised by a scarce availability of human resources in the youngest segment of the population, in Tuscany and in Italy to an even greater extent than in other European countries.

The enhancement of young people in terms of skills and knowledge and their inclusion in the labour market therefore appears essential to enable our country to meet the challenges posed by the ecological and digital transition, to activate innovation processes in the public administration and in small and medium-sized enterprises and, more generally, to maintain current levels of prosperity.

Starting from the analysis of the demographic context (Paragraph 2), the note delves into the NEET phenomenon in Tuscany, looking at both European and national comparisons (Paragraph 3). The contribution closes with some reflections on possible policies to counter the phenomenon (Paragraph 4).