Between economic dynamics and forecasts: what reflections for the Tuscan economy?

Report by L. Ghezzi and N. Sciclone

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The last months of 2023 draw a gradually slowing trajectory of the regional economy. The result reflects the low dynamism of domestic and foreign demand, which characterizes the entire country and, more generally, the entire euro area.

But it is the world economy as a whole that is showing signs of weakening in 2023, due to restrictive monetary policies that in cooling price growth, however, have curbed international trade.

The growth rate of gross domestic product worldwide has thus gradually declined, settling at around +3.0 percent in the International Monetary Fund’s forecasts. The slowdown was even more evident in the case of advanced economies (+1.5 percent) and, among them, the Euro Area (+0.7 percent). This resulted in a contraction of imports that involved, in particular, the roster of advanced economies. (…)

Report editors: L. Ghezzi and N. Sciclone

Working Group: E. Conti, T. Ferraresi, C. Ferretti, G. F. Gori, M. L. Maitino, D. Marinari, R. Paniccià, V. Patacchini, L. Ravagli

Editorial layout: E. Zangheri