By S. Pagni (Fondazione Toscana Sostenibile), M. Mariani e S. Turchetti

The study was commissioned to IRPET by the EAFRD Managing Authority and was carried out as part of the joint activities between IRPET and the aforementioned Managing Authority planned for 2024 (Activity No. 4.2024). The research was edited by Simone Pagni (Sustainable Tuscany Foundation) with the supervision of Sara Turchetti and Marco Mariani of IRPET’s “Production Sectors and Enterprises” Area. The editorial layout was edited by Elena Zangheri (IRPET).

The document provides a comprehensive framework for context indicators within the Rural Development Complement 2023-2027 for Tuscany, designed to monitor socio-economic, sectoral, and environmental factors affecting rural development. The indicators aim to guide strategic adjustments and assess the efficacy of ongoing interventions.

The indicators are presented within a structured dashboard focusing on socio-economic, sectoral, and environmental dimensions, drawing on data from national and EU sources such as the Rete Rurale Nazionale (RRN) and Agridata for consistency and standardization. Challenges highlighted include inconsistencies in data updates and reliance on proxy indicators, which complicate accurate representation of the regional context and assessment of program outcomes.

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