Differentiated autonomy, the Bill proposal

Article on DiTe-AISRe by P. Lattarulo

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Article by Patrizia Lattarulo published in DiTe, the Journal for the Study of Territorial Dynamics Italian Association of Regional Sciences (A.I.S.Re), on 6 March 2024.

The approval in the Senate of the Bill on Differentiated Autonomy, implementing Article 116, third paragraph of the Constitution, was only a few days ago. In spite of the punctuality of the dictate and its concreteness, there are many points of the proposal that need to be examined in depth. (…)

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On this topic, see also the two presentations by Patrizia Lattarulo:

  • Differentiated autonomy: unfinished reforms and further reforms: speech at the Round Table on ‘Differentiated Autonomy. Prospettive e problemi” of the XLIV AISRe Annual Scientific Conference “Europe and the Mediterranean between transitions and conflicts. Opportunities and risks for regions and territories” on 6-8 September 2023
  • Financial aspects in education: speech at the conference organised by CRANEC – Istituto Luigi Sturzo – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore ‘The differentiated autonomy of ordinary statute regions in the fields of education and health’ on 29 February 2024

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