Edited by S. Duranti, N. Faraoni, M. Mariani, V. Patacchini, S. Turchetti
This study is an integral part of the joint IRPET-Regione Toscana activity “Characteristics and Trends in Tuscan Agriculture,” planned for 2024 (No. 3.2024), and was commissioned to IRPET by the EAFRD Managing Authority in agreement with the General Directorate “Agriculture and Rural Development” of Regione Toscana.
The study was designed by Marco Mariani and Sara Turchetti and carried out by Silvia Duranti, Natalia Faraoni, Valentina Patacchini and Sara Turchetti, as part of IRPET’s “Production Sectors and Enterprises” Research Area. The editorial layout was edited by Elena Zangheri (IRPET).
Farming is a sector more based on experiential and technical training of its human capital, rather than structured education and training paths. However, in light of the many challenges it will face in the coming years-including adapting to climate change, mitigating its impact on the environment, and adopting the appropriate innovations needed for businesses to stay in the market and increase profitability – the upgrading of skills, both technical and managerial, of future generations of agricultural entrepreneurs, workers, and technicians is central. From this perspective, the report provides an overview of the education and training supply for the agricultural sector in Tuscany. In addition, for each level of education and the types of courses offered, the report shows the subsequent training or employment outcomes.
The results show that educational supply in the agricultural sector in Tuscany is broad and well-structured. Graduates in agricultural disciplines have more than doubled in ten years, although the placement in employed jobs tends to be lower than in other disciplines albeit consistent with the course of study. As for self-employment, although agricultural graduates are a small percentage of the total self-employed, postgraduation outcomes are consistent with the course of study, with an orientation more toward selfemployment rather than entrepreneurship. Considering the strong connection with the job offered market, post-diploma specialization at ITS-E.A.T. can be a viable alternative to university studies by attracting a significant share of students and unemployed people and ensuring a consistent placement with respect to the subjects of study. The training offer in Agribusiness co-financed by the Tuscany Region through the European Social Fund is broad and is characterized by a not insignificant share of courses aimed at selfemployment and entrepreneurs.