G. F. Gori and P. Lattarulo speak
Banca d'Italia - sede di Firenze
Giovedì 17 ottobre 2024 – Sede di Firenze
Event organised by the Bank of Italy, Florence office.
During the workshop in the session ‘PNRR: THE DIFFICULTIES’ Giuseppe Francesco Gori spoke on ‘Uncertainty and timing of works. The afterthoughts of politics and the effects on public works contracts and the timing of PNRR investments’ and Patrizia Lattarulo on “Labour and skills in the Public Administration, the difficulties for the PNRR”.
Sala Consiliare del Comune di Fucecchio - Via La Marmora, 34 - Fucecchio | Interviene N. Sciclone
IRPET - Sala delle Robbiane - Via Pietro Dazzi 1 a Firenze | Intervengono E. Giani, L. Marras e N. Sciclone
Department of Economics, University of Roma Tre - Via Silvio d’Amico 77, 00145, Rome | Intervengono T. Ferraresi e S. Turchetti