P. Lattarulo speaks
Aula Magna di Regione Emilia-Romagna, Viale Aldo Moro 30 a Bologna | Interviene P. Lattarulo
Attendance at the meeting is free of charge while registration is mandatory via email at: politichefinanziarie@regione.emilia-romagna.it
At the time of registration, you must indicate whether you wish to attend in-person or via video conference. Streaming registrants will be notified of webinar access coordinates.
At 12:20 p.m. Patrizia Lattarulo speaks on “Local government investment and service delivery.”
Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Financial Policies Secretariat: tel. 051/5275376.
Regione Toscana - Sala Pegaso di Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, piazza Duomo 10 a Firenze | Interviene P. Lattarulo
Regione Toscana | Sala Pegaso di Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati - Piazza Duomo 10, Firenze
Sala Luca Giordano, Via Cavour 1, Florence | Speaker N. Sciclone