Speaker L. Ghezzi
Florence Learning Center in Via de Perfetti Ricasoli, 78 a Firenze | Interviene L. Ghezzi
Evento organizzato da Confindustria Piccola Industria e Confindustria Toscana Piccola Industria
Giovedì 11 aprile 2024 | ore 10:30
Sede: Florence Learning Center | Via de Perfetti Ricasoli, 78
For Italian SMEs, supply chains today represent the main way to the dual digital and environmental transition, supporting the competitiveness of the entire production system. Supply chains are accelerators of innovation, and it is in supply chain relationships that many small businesses have found stimulation, drive and support to grow.
With the aim of strengthening the “supply chain culture,” Piccola Industria di Confindustria, with Piccola Industria di Confindustria Toscana and the collaboration of D.I.H. Toscana, is promoting the series of meetings FILIERE E PMI synergies for a strategic ecosystem that will stop in Florence, Thursday, April 11 at the Florence Learning Center (via de Perfetti Ricasoli, 78).
We will discuss with the Confindustria Study Center and IRPET how supply chains are reconfiguring and consolidating along two lines: reshoring and re-verticalization.
We will hear firsthand testimony from large companies and SMEs on the efficient management of supply chain relationships, a decisive aspect of concretely promoting innovation and sustainable development and addressing complex challenges such as those dictated by climate change, the digital revolution, evolving markets, and security and social cohesion needs.
We will also give space to the opportunities offered by the DIH Tuscany aid package, financed by public resources, available to all small businesses, and we will discuss with regional and national institutions the tools and actions needed to support supply chains.
For IRPET, deputy director Leonardo Ghezzi speaks at 10:40 a.m. on the evolution of supply chains.
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Salone Brunelleschi - Istituto degli Innocenti, P.zza SS Annunziata 12 - Firenze | Interviene L. Ravagli
Sala Luca Giordano, Via Cavour 1, Florence | Speaker N. Sciclone
Regione Toscana | Sala Pegaso di Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati - Piazza Duomo 10, Firenze