IX Seminario “I dati del e per il sistema educativo: strumenti per la ricerca e la didattica”

Speaker S. Duranti

In person

Courtyard Rome Central Park in Via Giuseppe Moscati 7, Roma | Speaker S. Duranti

Promoting the use of INVALSI data in scientific research and teaching

From October 17 to 19, 2024, the Seminar “Data from and for the educational system: tools for research and teaching” will be held in Rome. This event, now in its ninth edition, represents an important opportunity for study and discussion for researchers, experts, decision makers, teachers, school leaders and all those who use or could use data, materials and results of the National and International Surveys and, more generally, all data that affect evaluation in education and training.

INVALSI’s databases are enhanced through sharing with other Bodies and Institutions, and together they can provide important insights for all stakeholders and the entire community of reference. All stakeholders are invited to submit work that uses data collected by INVALSI through the National and International Surveys and/or data from other entities that, like or together with INVALSI data, are a useful tool for investigating the various facets of the school system.

The sessions will be divided between research and teaching. The former will be conducted in English, the latter in Italian.

IRPET will be present on October 19:

9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in Room 3 – Research 11 Session 4. INVALSI data for impact assessment: lights, shadows and possible developments Organizer: UNIVERSITY OF MILAN BICOCCA – CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF MILAN – UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA & FBK-IRVAPP Coordinator: Loris Vergolini (University of Bologna) Learning losses in pandemic: what role for school closures? Silvia Duranti (IRPET) Giada Garbini (Collegio Carlo Alberto) Leonardo Grilli (University of Florence)

2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Room 4 – Research 15 Session 6. Human capital accumulation: a common goal between schools, vocational training and the labor market Organizer: INVALSI – IRPET – FBK-IRVAPP Coordinator: Davide Azzolini (FBK-IRVAPP)

Regional vocational education and training pathways: a bridge to secondary education completion or a shortcut to the labor market? Silvia Duranti (IRPET) Valentina Patacchini (IRPET) Francesco Bogazzi (University of Milan Bicocca)

To download the Seminar poster clicca qui.