RA.M.E. – Toward the referendum on differentiated autonomy

N. Sciclone speak

In person

Tenuta Ferracci – Via della Tassaia 58. Borgo San Lorenzo (FI) | Interviene N. Sciclone

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Event organized by Ecoló

Join RA.M.E.

Join us on October 5 and 6 for a weekend of education and discussion dedicated to sustainability, ecological transition and urban regeneration. We will explore together the challenges of the climate crisis, the role of biodiversity and the importance of green infrastructure. The event is also intended to be a time of sharing and will include yoga, music and children’s activities.

When: 5 e 6 ottobre 2024

Where: Tenuta Ferracci – Via della Tassaia 58. Borgo San Lorenzo (FI)  mappa

For IRPET on Oct. 6 from 2:30 p.m. Director Nicola Sciclone speaks on “Toward the Referendum on Differentiated Autonomy.”

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