XIII Rapporto Abitare in Toscana

Speaker C. Agnoletti

In person

Auditorium di Sant’Apollonia in via San Gallo 25 a Firenze | Interviene C. Agnoletti

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Event organized by: Regione Toscana, Osservatorio Sociale Regionale e ANCI Toscana.

On Thursday, October 24, 2024, the presentation of the thirteenth Abitare in Toscana Report will be held in Florence from 9:30 a.m. at the Auditorium of Sant’Apollonia on Via San Gallo 25.

For IRPET from 10:30 a.m. Chiara Agnoletti speaks on “Living in Tuscany: data and processes.”

The thirteenth edition of “Housing in Tuscany”, the annual monitoring report of theRegional Social Observatory dedicated to the housing condition in Tuscany, moves between continuity and innovation. Continuity guaranteed by the now long-standing observation of the phenomena related to housing in its different aspects: the buying and selling market and the rental market, evictions, the different public support tools (Fund for rent ex L.431/98, Funds for incolpevole delinquency, Territorial Commissions,…), the role of the Third Sector linked to the Social Agencies for Housing, Public Housing.

The complexity and rapid transformations that affect housing phenomena require new points of observation with respect to the interventions that are being carried out in the territories in response to a growing demand for housing and quality of living that, following complex and changing trajectories, is changing shape, according to dynamics that are, however, not entirely unexpected when looking at medium-term demographic phenomena. In this paper, the presentation and analysis of data has tried, where possible, to focus on a broader time period, with the aim of better appreciating the trends and dynamics at work.

This Report is also enhanced by the collaboration of IRPET, whose contribution, in the different sections of the volume, deals with the issues of economic conditions for accessing and maintaining housing, the rent subsidy and the potentially eligible audience to access Erp.

In addition to the data, this edition is enriched by a survey addressed to all municipalities in Tuscany, aimed at detecting management models and quantitative evidence referring to four fundamental areas of municipal policies: public housing, emergency housing, social housing and interventions aimed at the homeless.

Program  ►►

To participate, register at the following link

For information: osr@regione.toscana.it

The event is accredited by the Order of Social Workers of Tuscany