XX edizione LuBeC “Venti di cultura” | CANTIERE SOSTENIBILITÀ SOCIALE – Quanto conta la cultura? Misurare e restituire l’impatto delle attività socio-culturali

Speaker S. Iommi

In person

The day:10/10/2024

From hours:09:30at:17:00

Real Collegio di Lucca | Interviene S. Iommi

Real Collegio di Lucca | Giovedì 10 ottobre 2024 | 09.30 – 17.00

In collaboration with Tuscany Region and Emilia-Romagna Region (limited number – max 70 places)

The workshop is part of the path related to the “Shared Manifesto for the Development of Cultural Welfare” focusing on the topic of culture impact assessment.

The meeting is in continuity with the reflection initiated on October 9 afternoon at LuBeC as part of the meeting “Cultural Welfare: from policies to implementation tools for territories.”

Mode of delivery. Lectures followed by multidisciplinary simulation activities. Experts will guide participants in the implementation of project work related to the application of evaluation systems of cultural activities carried out.

Target audience. Maximum of 70 people working for and/or in public and private cultural and social organizations (e.g., museums, libraries, archives, parks and gardens, theaters, and in general the performing arts entities, social-health cooperatives involved in cultural welfare, etc.).

Check out the program and sign up

Speaking for IRPET is Sabrina Iommi, manager of the Local Systems, Culture and Tourism Research Area and head of the Regional Observatory of Culture.

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  • Sabrina Iommi