di M. L. Maitino, L. Ravagli e N. Sciclone
After a long wait, many journalistic advances that were not always reliable and correct, on May 1 the Government approved the so-called. Work decree which abolishes the Citizenship Income (Rdc) and which establishes, in its replacement, two new measures: the Inclusion Allowance (Ai) and the Activation Tool (Sa).
The objective is twofold: on the one hand, to provide an information base that can help the debate and, on the other hand, to update the estimates made in an earlier Working Note 21/2023 on the basis of a version of the reform that is now outdated by the facts.
In doing all this, in the presentation of the work, we proceed following an order of priority which places Tuscany before the national context in the description of the results – due to the robustness of the estimates. While at the regional level we have administrative data from INPS sources, relating to the entire universe of citizenship income applicants, for the national level the information base that we can use is the sample data from the Istat Eusilc survey, which imposes a threshold of greater tolerance in the interpretation of the results. (…)
05/05/2023 | CONTRORADIO interview with Nicola Sciclone: