Tommaso Ferraresi

Analysis of the entrepreneurial system – Junior researcher dealing with entrepreneurial systems, and their contribution to local development.Unit: Research area “Local development, productive sectors and firms”.
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23 Nov.

Economy, society and culture in Tuscany and its territories. Third Report for the Annual Meeting of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

Research commissioned to IRPET by the Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze. Working group co-ordination by S. Iommi.

25 Oct.

Economic activities and the residential function in the Prato system: structure, dynamics and prospects

Study commissioned by the Comune di Prato and edited by C. Agnoletti, T. Ferraresi, L. Piccini and S. Turchetti

16 Oct.

Tuscany’s exports. I half-year 2023

Nota congiunturale 21/2023 by T. Ferraresi and L. Ghezzi