The first-level apprenticeship twenty years later. An analysis of the lack of success of the Italian-style dual system

By E. Cappellini, S. Duranti e N. Faraoni

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Article published in Scuola democratica; Learning for DemocracyFascicolo 2/2024, maggio-agosto by Elena Cappellini, Silvia Duranti and Natalia Faraoni

Doi: 10.12828/114729

This article aims to investigate the reasons why first-level apprenticeships in Italy are still statistically insignificant today, despite the regulatory interventions and economic incentives that have taken place over the last decade. Due to the lack of statistical data, we resorted to focus groups, involving all the main players in the sector, to identify the factors that limit the development of the tool. Some key factors emerge from the analysis, including: lack of completely dedicated classes; unfavourable attitudes on the part of the consultants responsible for carrying out bureaucratic obligations; lack of dedicated and stable human and financial resources.

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