The poor work in tourism

Working note 20/2023 | February edited by S. Bertini, E. Conti, M. L. Maitino and V.Patacchini

The poor work in tourism
Working note 20/2023 | February edited by S. Bertini, E. Conti, M. L. Maitino and V.Patacchini
If observed from the point of view of supply, as is known, “tourism” is a meta-sector made up of sectors that produce goods and services demanded to varying degrees by visitors and residents. In this research contribution, starting from the official definition of the UNWTO of the “characteristic sectors of tourism” as those sectors significantly influenced by the tourist demand, it was decided to use a more restrictive definition concentrating the analysis on those for which tourism demand represents a very significant share of revenues. On the other hand, poor work usually means a job or a set of work services which during the year produce an individual income below the threshold of around 8,000 euros, which delimits the area of ​​tax exemption for labor income employee. (…)