The reform of the Contracts Code and the reshaping of the NRP: impact on public procurement and works schedules – Working Note 2/2024 UPB

Note by UPB (M. R. Marino and N. C. Salerno) and IRPET (G. F. Gori, P. Lattarulo)

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Note by Giuseppe Francesco Gori, Patrizia Lattarulo, Maria Rosaria Marino and Nicola Carmine Salerno

We informe that  Nota di lavoro 2/2024 “La riforma del Codice dei contratti e la rimodulazione del PNRR: impatto sugli appalti pubblici e sui tempi di realizzazione delle opere” has been published on the UPB website

12 December 2024 | Among the main critical factors in the awarding and execution of public works are regulatory discontinuity and unstable funding sources, which interfere with the programming capacity of administrations and affect the work of contracting authorities and the participation of companies in the procurement market.

The work, a collaboration between the UPB and IRPET, assesses the effects on public procurement and the timing of works of two events that occurred in the second half of 2023: the introduction of the new Contracts Code (CoC) and the reshaping of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Therefore, neither the recent further changes to the CoC nor the two revisions of the PNRR approved during 2024 are taken into account.

Note 2/2024 news: ANSA,, Sky Tg24, BusinessCommunity, QuiFinanza, Nuove cronache, Zazoom