Article by N. Sciclone on Nautilus
⇒ Vai alla Rivista online
All’interno della rivista si trova l’articolo “La Toscana, domani?” del direttore Nicola Sciclone
The first-level apprenticeship twenty years later. An analysis of the lack of success of the Italian-style dual system
By E. Cappellini, S. Duranti e N. Faraoni
The spending review that hits the NRP
Article on by C. Ferretti and P. Lattarulo
Exploiting Network Information to Disentangle Spillover Effects in a Field Experiment on Teens’ Museum Attendance
Articolo pubblicato sul Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics | Tra gli autori M. Mariani
Goal Zero NEET
Article by S. Duranti in no. 35/2024 of Nautilus magazine