Vocational training in Tuscany. An evaluation of the employment outcomes of the activities of the POR ESF 2014-2020
Research curated by S. Duranti, N. Faraoni, G. F. Gori, V. Patacchini, L. Piccini and S. Turchetti
Vocational training in Tuscany. An evaluation of the employment outcomes of the activities of the POR ESF 2014-2020
The research, placed within the common activities of IRPET with the Tuscany Region, was curated by Silvia Duranti, Natalia Faraoni, Giuseppe F. Gori, Valentina Patacchini, Leonardo Piccini and Sara Turchetti, within the Public Economy research area and Territory coordinated by Patrizia Lattarulo. Orientation towards employment was the cornerstone of the planning of the training offer of the Tuscany Region in the 2014-2020 cycle. Through a planning model functional to the training needs of the production system, an attempt was made to finance training courses aimed at the satisfactory integration and re-integration of young people and the unemployed into the labor market. There were two main types of training offer financed with resources from the POR ESF: strategic training offer, linked to the main Tuscan production chains, identified through a top-down approach1, and territorial training offer, calibrated on the needs and employment requests of specific territories. To these two types of offer are added courses designed primarily for young graduates2: IFTS3, post-secondary courses lasting two semesters, and ITS4, two-year tertiary level courses. (…)