13th Input-Output Workshop 2021

GWS Workshop online. Intervengono Tommaso Ferraresi e Renato Paniccià

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Workshop online

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Online Input-Output Workshop 2021

22nd–24th March, 2021

The 13th Input-Output Workshop will take place in online format.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together scientists and practitioners in the field of input-output research and to provide a platform for sharing experiences and research methods in the area of input-output analysis. Topics to be discussed during the workshop could encompass the production of (inter)national and regional input-output tables, the development of input-output models or applications of input-output analysis to specific fields of interest.

The programme of the workshop can be downloaded here.

Il 24 marzo 2021 per l’IRPET intervengono:

16:30 – 17:10 Renato Paniccià – “A regional hydro-economic model for Tuscany: methodology and first results”

17:10 – 17:50 Tommaso Ferraresi – “On the economic and health impact of the Covid-19 shock on Italian regions: A value-chain approach”

Participants without presentation are welcome. You can register for the workshop at moennig@gws-os.com. It will also be possible to register for single sessions only. For technical reasons, the number of participants is limited.

Please consider the registration as binding.