GWS Workshop online. Intervengono Tommaso Ferraresi e Renato Paniccià
Workshop online
The 13th Input-Output Workshop will take place in online format.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together scientists and practitioners in the field of input-output research and to provide a platform for sharing experiences and research methods in the area of input-output analysis. Topics to be discussed during the workshop could encompass the production of (inter)national and regional input-output tables, the development of input-output models or applications of input-output analysis to specific fields of interest.
The programme of the workshop can be downloaded here.
Il 24 marzo 2021 per l’IRPET intervengono:
16:30 – 17:10 Renato Paniccià – “A regional hydro-economic model for Tuscany: methodology and first results”
17:10 – 17:50 Tommaso Ferraresi – “On the economic and health impact of the Covid-19 shock on Italian regions: A value-chain approach”
Participants without presentation are welcome. You can register for the workshop at It will also be possible to register for single sessions only. For technical reasons, the number of participants is limited.
Please consider the registration as binding.
- 21/02/2025
Department of Economics, University of Roma Tre - Via Silvio d’Amico 77, 00145, Rome | Intervengono T. Ferraresi e S. Turchetti
Sala Consiliare del Comune di Fucecchio - Via La Marmora, 34 - Fucecchio | Interviene N. Sciclone
Salone Brunelleschi - Istituto degli Innocenti, P.zza SS Annunziata 12 - Firenze | Interviene L. Ravagli