Interviene M. Mariani
Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) - Halle (Saale), Germany | Interviene M. Mariani
On July 4th and 5th, 2024, at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)
The current situation in the world is characterised by multiple crises that seem to reinforce each other. Climate change and excessive exploitation of natural resources require a significant reorganisation of the economy and the society as a whole.
Florian Hoffmann (University of British Columbia, Halle Institute for Economic Research), Bastian Alm (Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action)
IWH, conference room
Per l’IRPET il 4 luglio dalle 13.15 Marco Mariani interviene su “The Effects of Italy’s Industry 4.0 Adoption and Training Program on Firms’ Productivity and Employment”.
Regione Toscana - Sala Pegaso di Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, piazza Duomo 10 a Firenze | Interviene P. Lattarulo
Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, Sala delle Esposizioni, Piazza Duomo 10, Firenze | Intervengono G. F. Gori e P. Lattarulo
Sala Conferenze dell'Hotel Centrale - Piazza Verdi 2 a Piombino | Interviene N. Faraoni