IRPET ospita il 18° EU-REAL Meeting
Dalle ore:00:00alle:00:00
IRPET - Villa La Quiete alle Montalve, via Pietro Dazzi 1 - Firenze
Florence, June 22-23, 2023 – Villa la Quiete alle Montalve – Via Pietro Dazzi 1, Florence
Hosted by IRPET under the patronage of the Italian Association of Regional Sciences (A.I.S.Re), the Italian section of the Regional Science Association lnternational.
IRPET is pleased to announce the 18th European Union Regional Application Laboratory (EU-REAL) meeting, with a focus on “Regions and Cities in the Post-COVID world”.
We encourage contributions related to (but not limited to) the following topics:
– Regional economic development
– Regional inequalities
– Regional, urban and rural policy
– Infrastructure, transport flows and network among regions
– Tourism and regional development
– Migration and regional labor markets
– Regional healthcare planning
– Input-output, Computable General Equilibrium and other macro-models
– Spatial econometrics, statistics and other quantitative methods relevant for regional analysis
To participate in the meeting, an abstract of maximum 500 words must be sent to, by March 15, 2023.
In addition to the abstract, the submission document must include authors’ names and affiliations, contact e-mail, and 3 keywords classifying it into the most appropriate themes/topics.
The meeting will be held in person and will host only abstracts accepted for presentation.
Participation in the meeting is free of charge.
Leonardo Ghezzi, Patrizia Lattarulo, Marco Mariani, Renato Paniccià, Nicola Sciclone.
Contact person: Marco Mariani,
Centro Rogers - Piazza della Resistenza, Scandicci - Firenze | Interviene C. Agnoletti
Sala delle Esposizioni di Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati, Piazza Duomo 10, Firenze | Intervengono C. Lucifora, L. Resmini, R. Capello, A. Caporale, N. Sciclone, L. Marras
“Il Fuligno”, via Faenza 48, Firenze - Sala Chiesa | Interviene S. Iommi