Interviene L. Ghezzi
Dalle ore:16:00alle:17:30
For the first time in the history of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA), the United Nations is hosting a global IIOA conference. This is a remarkable reflection of the close collaboration by the two global organizations in the development and promotion of methods, statistical data, analytical results, and policy application in the field of input-output.
It is an inspiring follow-up to the joint work of the UN and IIOA in creating the Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications published in 2018 to comprehensively guide IO-related statistical compilation as an extension to the UN System of National Accounts, and IO-modeling applications for economic policy use.
The joint conference comes exactly at a time when IIOA marks three decades of global IIOA conferences all around the globe, serving the world-wide community of macro economic statisticians, analysts, and policy makers.
The United Nations’ Local Organizing Committee and the Council and Management of IIOA are glad to welcome you to the 30th International Input-Output Conference. It will take place at the premises of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) at Dag Hammarskjold 3477, 7630670 Vitacura, Región Metropolitana, Santiago de Chile.
Per l’IRPET interverrà Leonardo Ghezzi il 3 luglio dalle 16:00 alle 17:30 nella Sessione parallela 6 (h 16:00-17:30):
Special Session: “Integration of energy systems models and economic models: advances and applications”
Chair: Douglas S. MEADE
AREL, Piazza Sant’Andrea della Valle, 6 - Roma | Intervengono N. Sciclone e C. Lucifora
- 13/03/2025
Brussels, 11-13 Marzo 2025 | convegno organizzato da Eurostat
IRPET – Sala delle Robbiane – Villa La Quiete alle Montalve, Via Pietro Dazzi 1 – 50141 Firenze | Intervengono E. Conti, S. Iommi, R. Paniccià, N. Sciclone