The Youth Guarantee: a real opportunity for NEETS?

Articolo su RIV - Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione, n. 73, 2019

Elena Cappellini, Silvia Duranti, Valentina Patacchini e Nicola Sciclone

The Youth Guarantee: a real opportunity for NEETS?

Elena Cappellini, Silvia Duranti, Valentina Patacchini, Nicola Sciclone

Articolo pubblicato su RIV – Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione, rivista dell’AIV – Associazione Italiana di Valutazione, disponibile nell’area del sito AIV riservata ai soci.

This paper presents an employment impact assessment of the Youth Guarantee Programme in Tuscany (Italy) using administrative data from PES. In particular, we use a counterfactual approach relying on the availability of two different control groups: young people registering online for the Youth Guarantee without signing up for the Programme by the Public Employment Service and young people that, in the same period of implementation of the Youth Guarantee, have signed up for the Public Employment Service without participating in the Programme. In particular, our counterfactual impact analysis is based on statistical matching, both on covariates and on propensity score. The availability of the Compulsory Communications System of administrative data on employment flows allows to evaluate the effectiveness of the Programme on different employment outcomes, also considering the quality of jobs found by young people. Results highlights the positive and statistically significant impact of the Programme on the overall probability of finding a job but also of getting good and long lasting job contracts.

RIV – Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione, n. 73, 2019

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